Main » 2011 » March » 19 » Zwonde 3 Update
3:32 PM
Zwonde 3 Update
Hay guys, its morning here. And this is sure a drag, Zwonder 3 is running into some wierd skybox error, zombies are not wanting  come after me. But rest asure, I am on it right now. I ran into worst problems in Zwonder 2. Infact I can't believe I got to release Zwonder 2 with only 2 or 3 problems. Well anyway I did believe I would say some stuff about Zwonder 3.
So far I've decided to add a few game configurations.
As in Zwonder 2, there was just "PRESS THIS AND START!", however in Zwonder 3. There will be around 6 game configurations. Some of the ones I've thought and currently working on are below.
*10 Minute Rush (Antlions, Combines, and Zombies will rush your base for 10 minutes) See how many times you die, see if your sweps are really up for the toughest fast paced challenge!)
*Campaign (Waves, Rounds, Chapters, and so on, around 3 hours of gameplay. Also everytime you will play it will be always different, to every new wave, there are 2 that can be selected)
*Endless Firefight (Just Zombies coming after you with no waves or anything. Just endless)
*Firefight (A medium long campaign with the Combine forces(EPIC)
*Arcade Hallway (Not sure how I can just type this, but Zwonder will include every type of Zombie, and this will focus on everything but Fast Zombies, slowpoke....)
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